968 pgs, 2001, Microcosm/STL ISBN 978-1881883074 Orbit & Constellation Design & Management (OCDM) provides greatly expanded detail on many topics first introduced in the 2 of the earlier Wertz works - Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control (SADC) and Space Mission Analysis and Design (SMAD). If these two books got you started in mission engineering and you need more detail on the key area of Spacecraft Orbit and Attitude Systems (SOAS), then this book provides more detail in SOAS requirements definition, mission geometry, orbit and constellation design, relative motion of satellites, observation and measurement systems engineering, orbit control and management, and similar topics.
TABLE OF CONTENTS - Spacecraft Orbit and Attitude Systems
- Orbit Properties and Terminology
- Attitude Properties and Terminology
- Space-Based Orbit , Attitude, and Timing Systems
- Definition of Requirements
- Geometry on the Celestial Sphere
- Spacecraft Position and Attitude Measurements
- Full Sky Spherical Geometry
- Earth Coverage
- Satellite Relative Motion
- Viewing and Lighting Conditions
- Orbit Selection and Design
- Constellation Design
- Operations Considerations in Orbit Design - Launch, Orbit Aquisition, and Disposal